Strength & Conditioning
Rebel Thai Boxing's group fitness Strength and Conditioning training program is a dynamic and challenging total body workout. Their professional and highly qualified trainers incorporate resistance equipment, dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX suspension, clubbells, sandbags, barbells and bodyweight exercises into each 50 minute session.
The Rebel Thai Boxing method is a total body experience, formulated to keep you moving, sweating and burning calories at an insane rate. Each Strength and Conditioning session begins with joint mobility movements designed to increase core temperature, lubricate the joints and stretch the muscles. From there, you move into the cardio stage, where you will spend upwards of 20 minutes building the body towards an anaerobic state and burning major calories. The final sequence is strength training, which is where the trainers utilize their own style and creativity. This sequence may be HIIT based or circuit based. It could be bodyweight one day or traditional style weight lifting the next. Rebel Thai Boxing leaves it in the very capable hands of their coaches who are Strength and Conditioning experts at their craft. Strength and Conditioning is available one on one or in one of our really popular group classes. Strength and Conditioning is available 3 days a week and is accessible to all of our members as part of their membership. Strength and Conditioning is also available at both locations on Long Island.